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. 2018 Nov 27;9:5021. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07448-8

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Increase in shear stress reduces the levels of junctional E-cadherin. a Schematic showing the model of the junction to construct shear stress. Left schematic shows the distribution of junctional Myosin-II and E-cadherin for central junction. Right panel translates the junctional Myosin-II distribution into inferred tension and asymmetrical cortical tension, which imposes the shear stress on E-cadherin (see Methods: shear stress). b Correlation of inferred tension and shear with E-cadherin intensity conditioned on the length of the junction (see Methods). The statistics are based on 19,500 junctions across five embryos. c, d Correlation of inferred tension and shear with E-cadherin intensity conditioned on the length of the junction, only for the vertical junctions’ subset from the data in b. e, f Correlation of inferred shear with E-cadherin intensity conditioned on the length of the junction (see Methods) for vertical and transverse junctions for wild type and Rok-inhibited embryos. The statistics for wild-type (Rok inhibited) embryos are based on 15,000 junctions across 5 embryos (10 embryos), for both transverse and vertical junctions. g A model for an increase in junctional shear stress in response to laser ablations. Ablated junction is shown with dashed lines to indicate disrupted actomyosin cortex and reduced junctional tension. h Relative changes in E-cadherin intensity and in junction length (in inset), for control junctions (No ablation) and junctions where shear increased due to an ablation in the neighboring junction (Ablation). Relative change = (final value−initial value)/(initial value). We performed bootstrap sampling on 47 junctions with increased shear across 24 ablation events (pooled from 11 embryos) and 1722 control junctions across 24 snapshots, respectively, and averaged over each sample to obtain averaged distribution as plotted. Quantification in all panels come from embryos co-expressing Vinculin-mCherry and E-cadherin-GFP. The error bars in d and f represent the standard error across 100 different bins with the same length of junction. The boxes in b, c, e, and h represent 25th percentiles to 75th percentiles; the whiskers represent 5th percentiles to 95th percentiles; and the red lines represent the medians. P-values estimated using Mann–Whitney U-test