Fig. 3.
Dxz4 is necessary but not sufficient for megadomain formation. a Schematic of prominent features in the Dxz4 region and deletions generated in this study and previous studies. b Top: Contact maps for the Xi at 2.5 Mb resolution for wild-type (left) and Dxz4∆/∆ (right) cells on d10 of differentiation. Bottom: Pearson correlation matrices at 1 Mb resolution for the wild-type (left) and Dxz4∆/∆ Xi (right). Heatmaps generated by merging reads together from two biological replicates. c 1st principal component of the 1 Mb correlation matrix plotted for wild-type (black) and Dxz4∆/∆ (red) across all bins on the Xi. The dotted line corresponds to the bin containing Dxz4. d Strategy for using 4C to localize the transgene insertion site. e, f 4C interaction profiles using a viewpoint in the backbone of an Xist transgene in either wild-type (top), Xist only Tg (middle) or Xist + Dxz4 Tg (bottom) lines across chr14 (e) or chr10 (f). g Hi-C contact maps for chr14 at 1 Mb resolution in either wild-type (left), Xist only Tg (middle left), Xist + Dxz4 Tg Dox induced for 2 days (middle right) or 9 days (right). The position of the Xist + Dxz4 transgene insertion site at ~69.8 Mb (near Stc1) is indicated by a green bar in the Xist + Dxz4 Tg contact maps