The effects of chronic ET receptor antagonism on maternal HFD-induced remodeling of the MCAs. (a) and (b) showing ETAR antagonist atrasentan but not ETBR antagonist A-192621 prevented maternal HFD-induced decline in lumen diameter, respectively. (c) and (d) showing atrasentan but not A-192621 significantly attenuated increased myogenic tone in maternal HFD offspring, respectively. * P < 0.05 atrasentan-treated HFD/C rats versus vehicle-treated HFD/C group on the same intralumenal pressure. Results are shown as mean ± SD; C/C + vehicle (n = 5), C/C + antagonist (n = 7), HFD/C + vehicle (n = 5), HFD/C + antagonist (n = 7).