Fig. 3.
Permutation-based voxel-wise statistical maps of stimulation-induced behaviours. The colourmaps show the estimated voxel-wise z score for a permutation test of the null hypothesis of exchangeability of behavioural categories in response to stimulation. The colourmaps are thresholded at p < .001 uncorrected. Voxels labelled with white glyphs indicate those surviving a threshold of p < .05 family-wise error corrected. The white and black contours labelled “fMRI” show the p < .05 family-wise error corrected boundaries in the rostrocaudal plane of BOLD activation observed in the fluency and verb generation tasks across the group. The image underlay is composed of the median of the normalized white matter tissue probability maps of all participants, thresholded at .05 (in white), and the median of the normalized grey matter tissue probability maps of all participants, thresholded at .05 (in translucent gray).