Fig. 9 A-T.
Trichrome staining (original magnification, x 200) and Oil Red O staining (original magnification, x 100) of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus showed fibrosis and fatty infiltration in the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus of C57BL/N6J mice (UCP1 [+,+]) after 2 weeks of suprascapular nerve compression (A-D), which was relieved 2 weeks after release (E-H). However, for the UCP1-KO mice, more fibrosis and fatty infiltration in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus was seen after suprascapular nerve compression at 2 weeks (I-L), which remained 2 weeks after release (M-P). (Q-T) Area fraction of collagen (%) = area of collagen staining/entire sample area. Area fraction of fat (%) = area of Oil Red O staining/entire sample area. Solid lines indicate p < 0.05, and dashed lines indicate p < 0.01. Error bars indicate SD. SS = supraspinatus; IS = infraspinatus; NC = nerve compression; NCR = nerve compression and release.