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. 2018 Sep 11;7(1):115–134. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2018.08.008

Figure 2.

Figure 2

(A) Immunohistologic staining for CD26 in resected HCC tissues (original magnification, ×200). NIH image analysis software was used to quantify the mean percent area positive staining for CD26 for 5 randomly selected fields of view of digital images of each liver; the mean percent area was classified as follows: – (0%–16%), + (17%–32%), ++ (33%–66%), and +++ (≥67%). (B) Cumulative recurrence curve of patients with low CD26 expression (– or +, n = 15) and those with high CD26 expression (++ or +++, n = 26). P = .058. (C) Overall survival of patients with low CD26 expression (– or +, n = 15) and those with high CD26 expression (++ or +++, n = 26). P = .058. (D) Serum DPP4 activity before HCC resection in patients with low CD26 expression (– or +, n = 11) and those with high CD26 expression (++ or +++, n = 19). DPP4 activity was measured by using a DPP4 activity assay kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. *P < .05. (E) Serum DPP4 activity before and 1–6 months after HCC resection in 9 patients with HCC. **P = .01. (F) and (G) Immunohistologic staining for CD56-positive cells (F) or CD3γ-positive cells (G) in resected HCC tissues (original magnification, ×400). NIH image analysis software was used to count the number of CD56-positive NK cells or CD3γ-positive T cells for 5 randomly selected fields of view of digital images of each liver. The number of intratumor NK cells or T cells in patients with low CD26 expression and those with high CD26 expression. **P < .01 (G).