Aldox-NFP shows superior in vivo therapeutic efficacy and survival benefit compared to free drug or Doxil. a) Comparison of the volume of MDA-MB-468 tumors in animals treated with PBS (control), Doxil, aldox, or aldox-NFP (n = 6 per group) weekly for three weeks overtime (**P < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). b) Representative photomicrographs of the tumors excised from the animals at the conclusion of treatment. c) Comparison of the progression of MDA-MB-231 tumor lesions in the lungs using bioluminescence imaging. The animals were treated with PBS (control), aldox, Doxil, or aldox-NFP (5 mg kg−1 of drug content) weekly for three weeks and monitored for survival. d) Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival plot of the treated animals (n = 10 per group). The difference in the survival between the mice treated with aldox-NFP and the other animal groups was evaluated using Mantel-Cox log-rank test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001). A table listing the median survival time of each drug treatment group. e) The amount of drug delivered to the tumors were determined by LC-MS/MS analysis (**P < 0.01).