Table 3.
Convenience functions
Purpose | Function example |
Browse main function cheat sheet for adapr | adaprSheet() |
Show file usage information for all projects | fileInfoProjects() |
Open project directory in file browser | showProject() |
Open project or source results directory in file browser | showResults() |
Open project’s R script or R markdown file lists R scripts if not specified | openScript() |
List intermediate result objects | listBranches() |
Plot synchronization status of project scripts | graphProject() |
Execute R script within a project optionally create a markdown log | runScript('read_data.R', 'adaprTest',logRmd=TRUE) |
Search R scripts for string | searchScripts('lmer') |
Copy data file to project data directory | importData() |
Return results directory within R script | resultsDir() |
Return data directory within R script | dataDir() |
Track file reads without using Read | ReadTrack('arraydata.idat', 'read by limma package') |
Track file writes without using Write | WriteTrack('myFile.docx', 'From ReporteRs package') |