Figure 3.
Junction density over time. Lines indicate means over 1000 simulations of junction density in a 1 cM window in samples taken from a central deme. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. (A) The effect of population structure and source migration in populations with N=5000. Black: An admixed Wright-Fisher population. Gray: Analytical expectations for a Wright-Fisher population computed using formulas in Chapman and Thompson (2002). Red: a hybrid swarm with source migration but no population structure. Blue: a stepping stone cline with d=500, m=0.1. Green: a stepping stone cline with d=500, m=0.1, but no source migration. (B) The six stepping stone cline demographic histories used throughout this study. Black: d=500, m=0.1, Green: d=50, m=0.1, Blue: d=500, m=0.5, Red: d=50, m=0.5. Yellow: d=500, m=0.01, Orange: d=50, m=0.01. (C) Comparison among the autosome (black) and X chromosome (green) in a stepping stone cline with d=500, m=0.1.