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. 2018 Sep;4(3):553–559. doi: 10.21037/jss.2018.07.03

Table 1. Baseline clinical characteristics between COPD and control (non-COPD) groups.

Variable COPD (N=1,123), n (%) Non-COPD (N=22,358), n (%) P value
   Age (years) <0.001
      0–50 83 (7.4) 5,205 (23.3)
      51–65 466 (41.5) 8,531 (38.2)
      66–75 408 (36.3) 6,108 (27.3)
      >75 166 (14.8) 2,514 (11.2)
   Gender 0.263
      Male 495 (44.1) 10,236 (45.8)
      Female 628 (55.9) 12,122 (54.2)
   Race <0.001
      White 981 (87.4) 18,639 (83.4)
      Black or African American 89 (7.9) 1,825 (8.2)
      American Indian or Alaska Native 5 (0.4) 134 (0.6)
      Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 9 (0.8) 406 (1.8)
      Unknown/not reported 39 (3.5) 1,354 (6.1)
   BMI (kg/m2) <0.001
      <25.00 218 (19.4) 3,620 (16.2)
      25.0–29.99 305 (27.2) 7,308 (32.7)
      30.0–34.99 318 (28.3) 6,232 (27.9)
      ≥35.0 282 (25.1) 5,198 (23.2)
   Diabetes <0.001
      IDDM 97 (8.6) 1,277 (5.7)
      NIDDM 163 (14.5) 2,753 (12.3)
      No 863 (76.8) 18,328 (82.0)
   Smoker within past year 484 (43.1) 4,423 (19.8) <0.001
   Dyspnea <0.001
      At rest 21 (1.9) 39 (0.2)
      At moderate exertion 342 (30.5) 984 (4.4)
      No 760 (67.7) 21,335 (95.4)
   Functional status prior to surgery 0.002
      Totally dependent 1 (0.1) 8 (~0)
      Partially dependent 30 (2.7) 322 (1.4)
      Unknown 10 (0.9) 119 (0.5)
      Independent 1,082 (96.3) 21,909 (98.0)
   Ventilator dependent 0 (0) 4 (~0) 0.654
   CHF in 30 days before surgery 10 (0.9) 34 (0.2) <0.001
   HTN requiring medication 841 (74.9) 12,703 (56.8) <0.001
   Acute renal failure 0 (0) 1 (~0) 0.823
   Pre-operative dialysis 2 (0.2) 32 (0.1) 0.764
   Disseminated cancer 1 (0.1) 26 (0.1) 0.793
   Open wound/wound infection 6 (0.5) 54 (0.2) 0.058
   Chronic steroid use 97 (8.6) 837 (3.7) <0.001
   Bleeding disorders 27 (2.4) 304 (1.4) 0.004
   Transfusion of at least one unit of packed RBCs within 72 hours before surgery 1 (0.1) 17 (0.1) 0.831
   History of systemic sepsis <0.001
      Prior sepsis 0 (0) 4 (~0)
      Prior septic shock 1 (0.1) 0 (0)
      Prior SIRS 9 (0.8) 54 (0.2)
   >10% weight loss in last 6 months 2 (0.2) 32 (0.1) 0.764
Preoperative data
   Transferred from 0.006
      Home 1,111 (98.9) 22,247 (99.5)
      Nursing home/chronic care 6 (0.5) 30 (0.1)
      Acute care hospital-inpatient 2 (0.2) 44 (0.2)
      Outside ED 2 (0.2) 25 (0.1)
      Other/unknown 2 (0.2) 12 (0.1)
   ASA class <0.001
      I–II 180 (16.0) 11,813 (52.8)
      >II 943 (84.0) 10,545 (47.2)
   Admission status 0.119
      Inpatient 1,078 (96.0) 21,650 (96.8)
      Outpatient 45 (4.0) 708 (3.2)
   Quarter of admission 0.252
      Jan–March 241 (21.5) 5,384 (24.1)
      April–June 278 (24.8) 5,301 (23.7)
      July–Sept 294 (26.2) 5,720 (25.6)
      Oct–Dec 310 (27.6) 5,953 (26.6)
Operative data
   Anesthesia type 0.457
      General 1,120 (99.7) 22,266 (99.6)
      Other 3 (0.3) 92 (0.4)
   Number of levels fused 0.118
      1 level 811 (72.2) 16,614 (74.3)
      2 level 312 (27.8) 5,744 (25.7)
   Posterior instrumentation 783 (69.7) 15,212 (68.0) 0.237
   Total operative time (min) 0.016
      0–180 607 (54.1) 11,265 (50.4)
      >180 516 (45.9) 11,093 (49.6)
   Length of stay (days) <0.001
      0–3 667 (59.4) 14,640 (65.5)
      >3 456 (40.6) 7,718 (34.5)

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; BMI, body mass index; CHF, congestive heart failure; HTN, hypertension; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.