Figure 2.
Dynamic interaction of PABP with ribosomes. (A–C) Fractions after sucrose-gradient centrifugation were analyzed by western blotting (WB: PABP, 40S and 60S) or northern blotting (NB: RNA). (A) PABP (60 pmol) alone (top panel) or a mixture of PABP (60 pmol) and the 40S subunit (30 pmol) (middle panel) or the 60S subunit (30 pmol) (bottom panel) was resolved by sucrose-gradient centrifugation. (B) A mixture of PABP (60 pmol), the poly(A) RNA (60 pmol), and the 40S subunit (30 pmol) or the 60S subunit (30 pmol) was resolved by sucrose-gradient centrifugation. (C) A mixture of PABP (60 pmol), the HA-Rluc-N RNA (60 pmol), and the 40S subunit (30 pmol) or the 60S subunit (30 pmol) was resolved by sucrose-gradient centrifugation. (D) Incubation with the poly(A) RNA (left panels) or HA-Rluc-N RNA (right panels) dissociated the 40S (upper panels) or 60S subunit (lower panels) from the PABP-His complex immobilized on the TALON resin (left three lanes, each panel). After incubation with RNA followed by washing, RNA/proteins were eluted with imidazole (500 mM) from the resin (right three lanes, each panel).