Non-coding RNAs involved in developmental stages associated with adult neurogenesis. (A) A cartoon representation of the dentate gyrus, with the dentate gyrus subdivided into the molecular layer (Mol), granule cell layer (GCL), and subgranular zone (SGZ). In the subgranular zone various developmental milestones of hippocampal neural stem cells are shown. Schematic of the developmental milestones demonstrating the sequence of neural stem cells (type-1), preneuronal (type-2a), early neuronal (type-2b), and post-mitotic (type-3) cell types during post-natal neurogenesis. Cells are born as type-1 radial glia-like stem cells and slowly divide to produce type-2 cells. Rapidly dividing type-2 cells differentiate into immature neuron type-3 cells and finally into a mature granule cell neuron. (B) Proliferation, differentiation, maturation and neurogenesis of hippocampal progenitors are altered by various drugs of abuse (see refs 28–30). Stages of neurogenesis also correlate with changes in expression of ncRNAs: ↑, increase; ↓, decrease; ND, not determined.