PI(3,4)P2 is an apical- and recycling endosome-enriched lipid. a, b PI(3,4)P2 localization during different stages of lumen formation (12–48 h) in MDCK cells stably co-expressing EGFP-2xPH-TAPP1 [PI(3,4)P2 sensor, green] and either a TagRFPT-Rab11a WT (red) and stained for F-actin (blue), or b Podxl (red) and stained for β-catenin (blue). White arrows, PI(3,4)P2 co-localization with Rab11a vesicles at all stages; white arrowheads, cortical PI(3,4)P2 localization; red arrowheads, PI(3,4)P2-positive, Podxl-negative vesicles below the cell–cell contact at the AMIS stage; yellow arrowheads, PI(3,4)P2 present at low levels at the basolateral PM at the AMIS stage. In all instances, bottom panels are higher magnifications of split color images from the boxed regions. c Localization of Rab11a (TagRFPT-Rab11a, left; endogenous antibody staining, right; both red) in either 24 or 48 h cysts in relation to either PI(3)P [EGFP-2xFYVE, top] or PI(4)P [EGFP-P4M-SidM, bottom] (both green). In blue, Podxl (left panel) or nuclear staining (right panel). Yellow arrowheads, Rab11a-negative PIP reporter vesicles. White arrowheads (red in inverted color panels), Rab11a endosomes. White arrows (red in inverted color panels), triple Rab11a/Podxl/PIP reporter-positive vesicles. Yellow arrows (magenta in inverted color panels), Rab11a-negative, Podxl/PIP reporter-positive vesicles. Pink arrows, Rab11a/PI(4)P overlapping endosomes. d PI(3,4)P2 and caveolin-1 localization during lumen formation (12–48 h) in EGFP-2xPH-TAPP1 (green) MDCK cells stained with Caveolin-1 (red). Note the cortical co-localization of Caveolin-1 and PI(3,4)P2 at all stages (white arrowheads) and the absence of intracellular co-localization (yellow arrowheads). All scale bars, 10 µm