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. 2018 Nov 22;5:294. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00294

Table 2.

Frequency table for demographics characteristics and equine industry involvement of respondents to a survey on horse transportation practices in New Zealand.

Predictive variable Class Count Percentage
Gender Female 947 84.4
Male 175 15.6
Total 1,122 100
Missing values 11 0.9
Age (years) 16–30 276 24.4
31–45 306 27.1
46–60 387 34.2
61+ 161 14.3
Total 1,130 100
Missing values 3 0.3
Industry Sector Dressage 131 11.6
Endurance & Competitive trail riding 54 4.8
Eventing 120 10.6
Horse breeding 67 5.9
Other (Hunting, Western, Polo, Showing, etc.) 96 8.5
Pony club 78 6.9
Racing (Thoroughbred and Standardbred) 244 21.5
Recreational riding 209 18.4
Show jumping 134 11.8
Total 1,133 100
Membership Equestrian Sports New Zealand 423 37.3
Racing membership 241 21.3
New Zealand Pony Club Association 98 8.6
Other (please specify) 171 15.1
Not registered member of any horse related organization 200 17.7
Total 1,133 100
Involvement Amateur 851 75.1
Professional 282 24.9
Total 1,133 100
Experience in horse handling (years) 1_5 47 4.2
6_10 95 8.5
11_20 271 24.2
21_30 229 20.4
31_40 260 23.2
41_50 149 13.3
51+ 69 6.2
Total 1,120 100
Missing values 13 1.1
Equine qualification? No 446 39.4
Yes 687 60.6
Total 1133 100
Number of horses 1_2 197 17.6
3_5 358 32.1
6_10 232 20.8
11_15 96 8.6
16_30 133 11.9
31+ 100 9.0
Total 1,116 100
Missing values 17 1.5
Driving license class Learner or restricted (probation) 70 6.3
Full 660 59.4
Heavy vehicle license 382 34.3
Total 1,112 100
Missing values 21 1.8
Understanding of the Animal Welfare Code (Transport within New Zealand 2011) 1–low 198 17.5
2–some 171 15.1
3–moderate 394 34.9
4–high 249 22.1
5–very high 117 10.4
Total 1,129 100
Missing values 4 0.353045
Respondent's self-assessment of ability to identify a horse in distress 1–low 0 0
2–some 11 1.0
3–moderate 65 5.7
4–high 464 41.1
5–very high 590 52.2
Total 1,130 100
Missing values 3 0.3
Assessment of fitness for travel before moving horses 1–never 17 1.5
2–sometimes 68 6.1
3–about half the time 50 4.4
4–most of the time 263 23.3
5–always 731 64.7
Total 1,129 100
Missing values 4 0.3
Mechanical checklist? 1–never 88 7.9
2–sometimes 204 18.4
3–about half the time 120 10.8
4–most of the time 373 33.7
5–always 323 29.2
Total 1,108 100
Missing values 25 2.2
Did the respondents train their horse for loading and traveling? No 240 21.2
Yes 893 78.8
Total 1,133 100
Journey frequency Daily 79 7.0
2 to 5 times a week 282 24.9
Once weekly 276 24.3
Fortnightly 211 18.6
Monthly 130 11.5
Less than once a month 155 13.7
Total 1,133 100
Journey distance (km) 1_30 315 28.9
31_60 288 26.4
61_90 81 7.4
91_120 168 15.4
120_240 141 12.9
241+ 98 9.0
Total 1,091 100
Missing values 42 3.7

1Of the qualifications documented, the most commonly reported were certificates from the New Zealand Pony Club (58.2%), New Zealand Racing (e.g., licensed trainer, driver, stable hand)(14.3%), Equestrian Sport New Zealand (e.g., Coach, FEI official, Show Hunter Judge)(6.8%).