Table 2.
Parameter | Value | Unit |
Axoplasmic resistivity (ρa) | 70 | Ω⋅cm |
Capacitance of the axon membrane (cm) | 1 | μF/cm2 |
Leakage conductance (gLk) | 0.0001 | S/cm2 |
Leakage reversal potential (ELk) | -66 | mV |
Capacitance of the myelin (cmy) | 0.1 | μF/cm2 |
Conductance of the myelin (gmy) | 0.001 | S/cm2 |
Resting potential | -66 | mV |
Potassium reversal potential (initial value) | -95 | mV |
Sodium reversal potential | 45 | mV |
Max. conductance of transient Na+ (NaT) on Node | 2 | S/cm2 |
Max. conductance of M-type K+ (Km) on Node | 0.003 | S/cm2 |
Max. conductance of fast K+ (Kf) on JXP | 0.03 | S/cm2 |