18 to 19
20 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 to 79
80 years and above
Highest level of academic achievement:
Year 9 or below
Year 10 or 11
Year 12 or SACE
Certificate, Diploma, Technical or Trade Qualification
Bachelor Degree
Honours, Graduate Diploma or Masters Degree
Doctoral Degree
Prefer not to answer
Because of the Cat Tracker project I learnt something new.
Please tell us what you learnt as a result of the Cat Tracker project: [OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE]
How did you participate in Cat Tracker? (select all that apply)
I have read the summary of results online
I have read some of the Cat Tracker report
I have read the entire Cat Tracker report
I read other information about the project
I saw/heard results of the project in the media (e.g., newspaper, radio or television)
Someone told me about the results of the project
How far from your house do you now think [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE] goes?
Just on my property
100 m beyond my property
1 km
2 km
Many kilometres
I’m not sure
Did [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE] travel as far as you expected?
Yes, their travel was what I expected
No, they travelled less than I expected
No, they travelled more than I expected
Was there anything that you found surprising or interesting about the places [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE] went while he/she was tracked?
Please describe what you found surprising or interesting about the places [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE] went while he/she was tracked: [OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE]
Attitude change
Please indicate how important you think it is to contain a cat (e.g., keep the cat inside a house or cat run)?
Owners should contain cats during the day [RESPONSE OPTIONS: Very important, Somewhat important, Neutral, Somewhat unimportant, Very unimportant]
Owners should contain cats during the night [RESPONSE OPTIONS: Very important, Somewhat important, Neutral, Somewhat unimportant, Very unimportant]
Behaviour change
Have you changed how you look after or manage [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE] due to the Cat Tracker project?
How have you changed how you look after or manage [INSERT CAT’S NAME HERE]? [OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE]
Why did you make this change? [OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE]
Imagine you get a new cat in the future … Will you look after or manage your new cat differently to the way you manage your current cat/s, due to the Cat Tracker project? If so, please explain: [OPEN-ENDED RESPONSE]
Additional remarks