Figure 7: Inhibition SOM but not PV Interneurons Impairs Spatial Encoding in the mPFC.
A.) Z-scored firing rate is higher in the preferred arm of spatially tuned neurons during the sample phase around the time of sample goal arrival during laser off trials (left panel; (dark lines in A-E represent the mean, with the lighter shaded band representing the 95% confidence interval) but not during SOM inhibition (right panel; for this panel and others in this figure, asterisks indicate statistical comparisons that are significant by Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test). B.) Z-scored firing rate is higher in the preferred arm of spatially tuned neurons during the sample phase around the time of sample goal arrival during laser off trials (left panel); this spatial tuning is not significantly affected by PV inhibition (right panel). C.-E) Firing rate is significantly increased during laser on (i.e., during SOM or PV inhibition) trials in the preferred and non-preferred arms of spatially tuned cells and in non-spatially tuned cells; this effect appears more robust during SOM inhibition as compared to PV inhibition. F.) and G.) There is no significant difference in phase locking of SOMs and PVs to vHPC theta or dHPC theta oscillations (data in F-G are represented as mean ± SEM). H.) Sample goal identity can be decoded from the mPFC population in SOM-Arch mice when the decoder is trained and tested on laser off trials (left panel; in H- J, solid lines – mean decoder accuracy, shaded areas – 95% confidence intervals), but not as well when the decoder is trained in laser off trials and tested in sample on trials (right panel, asterisk in graph indicates significance by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni-corrected posthoc testing with p-value shown next to asterisk). I.) Sample goal identity can be decoded from the mPFC population in SOM-YFP mice when the decoder is trained and tested on laser off trials (left panel) and when the decoder is trained in laser off trials and tested in sample on trials (right panel). J.) Sample goal identity can also be decoded from the mPFC population in PV-Arch mice when the decoder is trained and tested in laser off trials (left panel) and when the decoder is trained in laser off trials and tested in sample on trials (right panel).