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. 2018 Nov 13;18(11):3910. doi: 10.3390/s18113910

Table 2.

Activity list for all the datasets and their abbreviations.

Standing (STD) Sitting (SI) Walking Eating (Eat)
Walking (WAK) Lying (LY) Upstairs Lying (Lie)
Jogging (JOG) Standing (ST) Downstairs Running (Run)
Jumping (JUM) Washing dishes (WD) Standing Sitting (Sit)
Stairs up (STU) Vacuuming (VC) Sitting Standing (Std)
Stairs down (STN) Sweeping (SW) Lying Stretching (Str)
Stand to sit (SCH) Walking (WK) Sweeping (Swp)
Car step in (CSI) Ascending stairs (AS) Walking (Wlk)
Car step out (CSO) Descending stairs (DS)
Running (RU)
Bicycling on ergometer 50 W (BC50)
Bicycling on ergometer 100 W (BC100)
Rope jumping (RJ)