Notes. Suicide rates (per 100,000 people) in total
evacuation areas and terminated/partial evacuation areas are shown by
postdisaster period. The bold dotted line and thin dotted line show the
transition of suicide rates in total evacuation areas and
terminated/partial evacuation areas, respectively. The arrows
indicate the occurrence of the nuclear disaster following the Great East
Japan Earthquake. Postdisaster suicide rates were compared with the
national average using Poisson distribution. * p
< .05, ** p < .01, Poisson distribution
Annualized suicide rate: Monthly suicide
number/population × 100,000 × 12
Total evacuation areas: Naraha, Tomioka, Okuma, Futaba,
Namie, Katsurao, and Iitate
Terminated/partial evacuation areas: Tamura,
Minami-Soma, Kawamata, Hirono, and Kawauchi