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. 2011 Jun 20;16(6):5087–5103. doi: 10.3390/molecules16065087

Table 3.

Refinement statistics for crystal structure data collection of the lectin from the seeds of Dioclea wilsonii (DwL).

Data Collection *
Point group I222
Unit cell parameters (Å)
A 59.6
B 67.9
C 109.0
Unit cell angles (°)
α = β = γ 90
Total number of reflection 50274 (6863)
Total number of unique observations 10483 (1526)
Resolution limit (Å) 23.29–2.2
Rmerge (%) a 8.4 (24.1)
Completeness (%) 97.1 (98.5)
Multiplicity (%) 4.8 (4.5)
(I)/σ 5.0 (1.8)
Matthews coefficient (Å3.Da−1) 2.17
Solvent content (%) 43.28
Wavelenght (Å) 1.42

* Values in parenthesis represent the high resolution shell; a Inline graphic where I(hkl)i is the intensity of ith measurement of the reflection h and I(hkl) is the mean value of the I(hkl)i for all I measurements.