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. 2011 Sep 19;16(9):8062–8075. doi: 10.3390/molecules16098062

Table 8.

Statistical difference between mean values of the average number of electro-stimulations necessary for the development of kindling threshold after-discharge *.

C Difference 0.22 −0.11 −7.00
Standard Error 2.25 2.26 1.91
95% CI of difference −4.562 to 5.007 −4.918 to 4.696 −11.043 to −2.95
Test statistic t 0.0990 −0.0493 −3.670
Significance Level P p = 0.9225 p = 0.9614 p = 0.0021
W Difference 0.22 −0.33 −7.22
Standard Error 2.25 2.51 2.20
95% CI of difference −4.562 to 5.007 −5.65 to 4.98 −11.91 to −2.53
Test statistic t 0.0990 −0.133 −3.281
Significance Level P p = 0.9225 p = 0.8959 p = 0.0051
B Difference −0.11 −0.33 −6.89
Standard Error 2.26 2.51 2.21
95% CI of difference −4.918 to 4.696 −5.65 to 4.98 −11.603 to −2.17
Test statistic t −0.0493 −0.133 −3.115
Significance Level P p = 0.9614 p = 0.895 p = 0.0071
E Difference 7.00 −7.22 −6.89
Standard Error 1.91 2.20 2.21
95% CI of difference −11.04 to −2.95 −11.91 to −2.53 −11.60 to −2.174
Test statistic t −3.670 −3.281 −3.115
Significance Level P p = 0.0021 p = 0.0051 p = 0.0071

* using an independent samples t-test and assuming unequal variances.