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. 2018 Nov 29;13(11):e0207442. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207442

Table 1. Summary data and assumptions.

Parameter Distribution Mean Standard Error (S.E.) Reference
Probability of disease progression
For no-treatment group
Probability of progression from precancer to cancer stage I Beta 0.04 0.01 [10]
Probability of progression from cancer stage I to II Beta 0.53 0.27 [19]
Probability of progression from cancer stage II to III Beta 0.59 0.25
Probability of progression from cancer stage III to IV Beta 0.67 0.25
Probability of precancerous lesion regression Beta 0.30 0.10 [20]
For treatment group
Probabilities of disease progression of each cancer stage are less than the no-treatment group by a half. (using hazard ratio = 0.50) - 0.50 - [9]
Probability of precancerous lesion being cured after treatment - 0.58 - [20, 21]
Probability of loss to follow-up treatment and developing cancer stage I - 0.01 - [19] and mail survey
Probability of death
For treatment group
Probability of death from cancer stage I Beta 0.20 0.01 Meta-analysis [79]
Probability of death from cancer stage II Beta 0.34 0.06
Probability of death cancer from stage III Beta 0.42 0.08
Probability of death cancer from stage IV Beta 0.52 0.10
For no-treatment group
Probabilities of death of each cancer stage are more than the treatment group by a half. (using hazard ratio = 2) - 2.00 - [9]
Compliance with screening
Screening program
MSE at no cancer and precancer - 0.97 - Pilot study, by the Bureau of Dental Health
Visual screening by TDN at no cancer and precancer - 0.80 -
Visual screening by TDT at no cancer and precancer - 0.76 -
Visual screening by oral surgeons at precancer - 0.91 -
Visual screening at cancer stages I to VI - 1.00 - Assumption
Biopsy - 0.62 - S1 Table
No-screening program
Self-referral rate to general dentist without precancer and cancer - 0.04 - [22]
Self-referral rate to general dentist at cancer stage I and II - 0.43 -
Self-referral rate to general dentist at cancer stages III and IV - 0.82 -
Biopsy - 0.51 - [23]
Compliance with treatment
Precancer stage - 0.94 - Data collection
Cancer stage I - 0.98 -
Cancer stage II - 0.98 -
Cancer stage III - 0.94 -
Cancer stage IV - 0.84 -
Performance of screening
Screening program
Sensitivity of MSE Beta 0.20 0.03 Pilot study, by the Bureau of Dental Health
Specificity of MSE Beta 0.81 0.02
Sensitivity of visual examination by TDN Beta 0.44 0.06
Specificity of visual examination by TDN Beta 0.79 0.02
Sensitivity of visual examination by TDT Beta 0.87 0.04 [2426]
Specificity of visual examination by TDT Beta 0.85 0.05 [2426]
Sensitivity of visual examination by oral surgeon Beta 0.76 0.03 [27]
No-screening program
Sensitivity of visual examination by general dentist Beta 0.84 0.09 [28, 29]
Specificity of visual examination by general dentist Beta 0.82 0.14 [28, 29]
Sensitivity of visual examination by oral surgeon Beta 0.76 0.03 [27]
Cost of screening
Direct medical costs
Cost of screening program management - 0.25 - Pilot study, by the Bureau of Dental Health
Cost of MSE - 5 - [30] and data collection
Cost of visual screening by TDN - 34 -
Cost of visual screening by TDT - 43 -
Cost of visual screening by general dentist - 95 - [31]
Cost of visual screening by oral surgeon - 90 - [30] and data collection
Cost of biopsy - 450 - [32]
Direct non-medical costs
Transportation cost of visual screening by TDN Gamma 57 4 [33]
Transportation cost of visual screening by TDT Gamma 76 4
Transportation cost of visual screening by oral surgeon Gamma 151 12
Lost productivity work time to visual screening by TDN Gamma 14 4
Lost productivity work time to visual screening by TDT Gamma 52 6
Lost productivity work time to visual screening by oral surgeon Gamma 85 14
Cost of treatment
Direct medical costs
Precancer Gamma 758 177 Data collection
Cancer stage I Gamma 63,546 10,250 [34]
Cancer stage II Gamma 68,753 15,870
Cancer stage III Gamma 78,749 8,205
Cancer stage VI Gamma 106,529 5,978
Direct non-medical costs
Precancer Gamma 11,044 1,841 Data collection
Cancer stage I Gamma 18,460 5,630
Cancer stage II Gamma 75,896 14,422
Cancer stage III Gamma 54,300 10,497
Cancer stage VI Gamma 54,265 9,511
Precancer Beta 0.83 0.02 Data collection
Cancer stages I to II Beta 0.61 0.05
Cancer stages III to VI Beta 0.34 0.09