Animals utilised during the project according to experimental group and sex. Dashed boxes report exclusions, deaths and killing. Split boxes reporting postnatal deaths indicate the number of females (top left) and males (bottom right) for each experimental group: control (CON), saline‐treated fetal growth restricted (FGRS), and insulin‐like growth factor 1‐treated fetal growth restricted (FGRI). Dual X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA), biopsies, and milk intake were conducted in all groups. Circumstances constituting exclusion from the project and/or killing were: *pregnancy toxaemia, †mammary abscess n = 5, aspiration of rumen contents prior to intubation n = 1, twin pregnancy n = 2 and intrauterine infection n = 1; ‡twin lambs n = 2, intestinal atresia n = 1; °preterm (<136 dGA) birth n = 1.