Figure 4.
Consequences of T-cell specific invalidation of Rankl in recipient mice on RANK over-expressing PG1 tumor growth, number of metastases and bone parameters. Rankl depletion in mouse T-cells (LCK-CRE) was validated by PCR on gDNA extracted from tails and T cells (A). PCR data confirmed the effective recombination, specifically in T-cells. After injection of one million PG1 cells over-expressing RANK, tumor growth (B) and the number of lung metastases formed (C) were compared between mice invalidated for Rank in T-cells (n = 4) and control mice (n = 5) showing no difference. Representative three-dimensional images of tibias with tumors (and their controls, C) did not make it possible to observe any differences regarding bone resorption or tumor osteoid tissue formation (D). Micro-CT analysis of the BS/TV (mm-1), BS/BV (mm-1) and BV/TV (%) parameters of the tibias revealed no differences. However, an increase in BV/TV was observed comparatively to contralateral safe tibias, independently of the mouse genotype (E). The data in (E) are shown as the mean ± SD. Data analyses were performed using the Kruskal Wallis test. ns: no significant. *: p < 0.05.