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. 2018 Nov 16;10(11):453. doi: 10.3390/cancers10110453

Table 1.

Priority regions of BRCA1/2 genes for screening.

Region of Interest Hg19 Coordinates Length Comments
BRCA1 promoter chr17: 41,277,500–41,278,500 1000 bases Comprises 1 kb upstream on transcription start site
BRCA1 5′UTR (exon 1A) chr17: 41,277,287–41,277,500 223 bases Exon 1A
BRCA1 5′UTR (exon 1B) chr17: 41,277,340–41,277,197 145 bases Exon 1B
BRCA1 5′UTR + ATG (exon 2 to ATG) chr17: 41,276,110–41,276,133 22 bases 5′ end of Exon 2
BRCA1 intron 2 chr17: 41,271,250–41,272,100 850 bases Includes validated enhancer and repressor elements that participate in gene looping and are conserved. Also contains sequences that UCSC/ENCODE indicates this region contains transcription factor binding sites, DnaseHS sites
BRCA1 intron 12 (region 1) chr17: 41,237,500–41,237,850 350 bases UCSC/ENCODE indicates this region contains transcription factor binding sites, DnaseHS sites and is conserved.
BRCA1 intron 12 (region 2) chr17: 41,236,600–41,236,960 360 bases UCSC/ENCODE indicates this region contains transcription factor binding sites, DnaseHS sites and is conserved.
BRCA1 intron 16 Chr17: 41,220,900–41,221,250 350 bases UCSC/ENCODE indicates this region contains transcription factor binding sites, DnaseHS sites
BRCA1 3′UTR (exon 24) chr17: 41,196,311–41,197,698 1387 bases From and including stop codon
BRCA2 promoter chr13: 32,888,616–32,889,616 1000 bases Comprises 1 kb upstream on transcription start site
BRCA2 5′UTR (exon 1) chr13: 32,889,616–32,889,805 189 bases Exon 1 (Refseq)
BRCA2 5′UTR (exon 2 to ATG) chr13: 32,890,558–32,890,600 42 bases Includes translation start codon
BRCA2 3′UTR chr13: 32,972,904–32,973,809 905 bases From and including stop codon