Fig. 3.
Analysis on differential expressed genes (DEGs) for Schulte et al. GBM dataset [25]. a Dendrogram and heat map for DEGs. The expression profiles of DEGs are clustered according to rows (genes) and columns (samples) in the GBM data matrix by using as distance metrics 1- ρ, where ρ is the Pearson correlation. Heatmap colors represent different expression levels (z-score normalized) that increase from blue to yellow. b Percentages of DEGs that result up-regulated and down-regulated in glioblastoma full stem-like phenotype (GSf) cell lines and primary tumors. c Enrichment analysis in KEGG pathways ( for DEGs that are up-regulated and down-regulated in GSf cell lines and primary tumors. The up-regulated and down-regulated genes are considered as separate groups. The heatmap reports the absolute value increasing from white to dark green of log10 of corrected p-value of functional categories significantly enriched (adjusted p-value < 0.05) in at least one of two groups. Grey color indicates that no gene is present