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. 2018 Nov 21;15(11):2599. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15112599

Table 3.

Screen time of the parent. Results of multilevel model analyses on parents’ screen time (min/day) (full model).

(n = 9830)
(n = 1588)
(n = 2420)
(n = 1165)
(n = 1931)
(n = 1568)
(n = 1158)
Fixed Part β (SE) β (SE) β (SE) β (SE) β (SE) β (SE) β (SE)
Intercept 130.35 (3.92) 139.14 (5.64) 145.12 (7.64) 124.11 (5.01) 139.82 (6.06) 125.40 (6.79) 107.45 (6.51)
BMI child −0.64 (0.29) * ns ns ns ns ns ns
BMI parent 1.28 (0.18) *** 1.40 (0.50) ** 1.06 (0.41) * 1.85 (0.38) *** 2.10 (0.42) *** ns 1.49 (0.49) **
Age child ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Age parent −0.94 (0.16) *** ns ns −1.30 (0.33) *** −0.80 (0.38) * ns 2.33 (2.28) ***
Sex child a ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Sex parent b −22.11 (2.62) *** −12.32 (5.82) * ns −20.21 (5.13) *** −35.48 (6.02) *** −27.36 (6.43) *** −21.40 (6.61) **
PA level child ns ns ns −3.86 (1.37) ** ns ns 4.98 (1.40) ***
PA level parent −0.97 (0.40) * ns ns −2.45 (0.96) * −1.98 (0.89) * ns ns
Co-TV viewing 14.47 (4.43) ** 16.33 (7.81) * ns 20.11 (8.41) * ns 39.18 (9.38) *** ns
Co-TV viewing * Sex parent ns ns ns ns 23.31 (8.76) ** ns ns
 Stratified analysis c
  Father-child dyads (n = 250) - - - - ns - -
  Mother-child dyads (n = 1681) - - - - 18.89 (3.12) *** - -
Co-TV viewing * Sex child ns ns ns ns ns -36.66 (12.19) ** ns
 Stratified analysis c
  Parent-son dyads (n = 753) - - - - - 40.44 (9.66) *** -
  Parent-daughter dyads (n = 815) - - - - - ns -
Co-TV viewing * Sex parent * Sex child ns ns ns ns ns 37.19 (12.88) ** ns
 Stratified analysis c
  Father – son dyads (n = 84) - - - - - 40.44 (9.66) *** -
  Father – daughter dyads (n = 73) - - - - - ns -
  Mother – son dyads (n = 669) - - - - - 28.72 (3.11) *** -
  Mother – daughter dyads (n = 742) - - - - - 27.20 (2.87) *** -
Random part σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE) σ2 (SE)
Country-level variance 214.40 (51.03) *** - - - - -
School-level variance 0.00 (0.00) d 4.17 (34.71) 42.57 (35.21) 0.00 (0.00) d 51.20 (52.11) 59.59 (49.03) 0.00 (0.00) d
Class-level variance 846.67 (315.13) ** 0.00 (0.00) d 94.51 (73.52) 0.00 (0.00) d 79.18 (99.87) 119.88 (69.54) 0.00 (0.00) d
Individual-level variance 4990.77 (319.73) *** 5730.31 (206.16) *** 6915.43 (208.17) *** 3115.73 (129.10) *** 6721.43 (231.96) *** 5152.52 (190.49) *** 4705.76 (195.57) ***

p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. All analyses were adjusted for children’s and parents’ age, sex, BMI, and PA levels. Reference category = 0; a 0 = boy, 1 = girl; b 0 = man, 1 = woman. c For the stratified analyses, β (SE) of the variable of co-TV viewing is given. d an estimated variance of zero means that this level does not help explain any of the overall variability present in the data.