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. 2018 Nov 29;19:460. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2485-7

Table 4.

BUSCO statistics for draft FALCON Unzip, Redundans-processed, and Purge Haplotigs-processed A. thaliana assemblies

Haploid Assemblies (Primary contigs) Haplotigs Artefacts
FALCON Unzip Purge Haplotigs Redundans FALCON Unzip Purge Haplotigs Purge Haplotigs
# % # % # % # % # % # %
Total BUSCOs 1440 100.0 1440 100.0 1440 100.0 1440 100.0 1440 100.0 1440 100.0
Complete BUSCOs 1413 98.1 1407 97.7 1407 97.7 1342 93.2 1400 97.2 17 1.2
 - single-copy 1324 91.9 1377 95.6 1378 95.7 1313 91.2 1372 95.3 17 1.2
 - duplicated 89 6.2 30 2.1 29 2.0 29 2.0 28 1.9 0 0.0
Fragmented BUSCOs 5 0.3 8 0.6 8 0.6 5 0.3 5 0.3 3 0.2
Missing BUSCOs 22 1.5 25 1.7 25 1.7 93 6.5 35 2.4 1420 98.6