Table 1.
Described viruses in G. abietina.
Virus Name | Virus Abbreviation | Full-Length Virus Strains | GenBank Accessions * | Virus Genus | Genome | Fungal Population | Population Studies | Countries Detected | References |
Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus multi segmented 1 | GaRV-MS1 | 3 | KJ786411-KJ786413, AY089993-5, AY615211-13, | Gammapartitivirus | dsRNA | A, B, SP | YES | Canada, USA, Finland, Spain, Montenegro, Italy, Turkey | [31,32,38] |
Gremmeniella abietina mitovirus 1 | GMV1 | 3 | HE586988, AF534641, AY615209 | Mitovirus | (+) ssRNA | A, SP | YES | Finland, Spain | [32,33,34] |
Gremmeniella abietina mitovirus 2 | GMV2 | 1 | JN654496 | Mitovirus | (+) ssRNA | B, SP | YES | Finland, Spain | [34] |
Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus lone | GaRV-L | 2 | AF337175, AY615210 | Totivirus | dsRNA | A | NO | Finland | [31,32] |
Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus XL | GaBRV-XL | 2 | DQ399289-90 | Betaendornavirus | dsRNA | B | NO | Finland | [35] |
Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus 6 | GaRV6 | 1 | KJ742567.1 | Unassigned † | dsRNA | A, SP | YES | Finland, Canada, Italy, Spain | [36] |
† Virus belonging to a new family not defined and submitted in the ICTV yet. * GenBank accession numbers of full-length virus sequences.