Increased GAD67 expression in Foxp2S321X/+ mice (ai, aii). Overview of GAD67 and VGAT expression levels in striatal slices of juvenile (PND10-14) Foxp2+/+ and Foxp2S321X/+ mice. Insets show puncta which surround D1R-MSN somata. These perisomatic puncta were used for intensity analysis, to restrict analysis to D1R-MSNs. b Comparison of GAD67 expression (both cumulative distribution in arbitrary units (AU) and normalized expression) around D1R-GFP positive somata in dorsolateral striatum of juvenile (PND10-14) Foxp2+/+ and Foxp2S321X/+ mice. All data were compared to normalized expression levels in Foxp2+/+ mice. (Foxp2S321X/+ 1.32 ± 0.12, P < 0.01, Mann–Whitney U). Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test was used for the cumulative distribution data, P < 0.001. Foxp2+/+
N/n = 5/36, Foxp2S321X/+
N/n = 5/36. c Quantification and representative western blot of GAD67 protein expression in juvenile Foxp2+/+ and Foxp2S321X/+ mice (Foxp2+/+ 1.04 ± 0.05, Foxp2S321X/+ 1.28 ± 0.04, P < 0.01, two-sided Student’s T test. Foxp2+/+ and Foxp2S321X/+
N = 6). d Comparison of VGAT expression [both cumulative distribution in arbitrary units (AU) and normalized expression] around D1R-GFP positive somata in dorsolateral striatum of juvenile (PND10-14) Foxp2+/+ and Foxp2S321X/+ mice. Foxp2S321X/+ 0.97 ± 0.07, NS, Mann–Whitney U. KS test for cumulative distribution data: NS. Foxp2+/+
N/n = 3/12, Foxp2S321X/+
N/n = 3/12. N/n: number of animals/number of slices *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001