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. 2018 Jun 28;109(5-6):810–820. doi: 10.17269/s41997-018-0101-2

Table 3.

Regression modelling, binary distribution, probit link, comparing persistent high-cost with not persistently high-cost use, mental health and addiction cohort, excluding long-term care residents, Saskatoon Health Region, FY2009–2015 (n = 124,497)

Predictor Estimate SE p value
Age 0.002
 < 49 years (reference)
 ≥ 50 years 0.14 0.05
Sex 0.561
 Male (reference)
 Female 0.03 0.05
Mental health condition < 0.001
 Anxiety disorders (reference)
 Mood/affective disorders 0.25 0.05
 Schizophrenic disorders 0.94 0.07
 Substance-related disorders 0.13 0.06
Housing < 0.001
 Stable housing (reference)
 Unstable housing 0.39 0.07
Comorbid conditions < 0.001
 None (reference)
 1 0.43 0.04
 2 or more 0.92 0.05
Connection to a primary care provider 0.002
 Not connected (reference)
 Well connected 0.09 0.03
Number of mental health conditions < 0.001
 1 (reference)
 2 or more 0.29 0.03
Hospitalization(s) < 0.001
 No (reference)
 Yes 0.54 0.03
Died during study period < 0.001
 No (reference)
 Yes 1.95 0.05
Connection to a primary care provider*, number of mental health conditions 0.001
 Well connected, 2 or more 0.12 0.04
Housing*, comorbid conditions 0.023
 Unstable housing, 1 comorbid condition − 0.10 0.12
 Unstable housing, 2 or more comorbid conditions − 0.35 0.13
Comorbid conditions*, hospitalization(s) 0.010
 1 comorbid, hospitalized − 0.05 0.05
 2 or more, hospitalized 0.12 0.05
Comorbid conditions*, died during study period < 0.001
 1, died − 0.23 0.06
 2 or more, died − 0.38 0.05
Number of mental health conditions*, died during study period < 0.001
 2 or more, died − 0.33 0.05
Connection to a primary care provider*, died during study period < 0.001
 Well connected, died − 0.64 0.04
Age*, mental health condition < 0.001
  ≥ 50 years, mood − 0.14 0.06
  ≥ 50 years, schizophrenia − 0.73 0.10
  ≥ 50 years, substance-related − 0.19 0.07
Age*, sex 0.993
  ≥ 50 years, female 0.001 0.06
Sex*, mental health condition 0.101
 Female, mood − 0.12 0.06
 Female, schizophrenia 0.06 0.11
 Female, substance-related − 0.12 0.08
Age*, sex*, mental health condition 0.005
  ≥ 50 years, female, mood 0.18 0.08
  ≥ 50 years, female, schizophrenia − 0.30 0.14
  ≥ 50 years, female, substance-related 0.08 0.11
Intercept − 3.09 0.05

Area under the curve = 0.90; Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit: χ2 = 11.1; df = 8; p = 0.2

*Disorders of adult personality are included with mood/affective disorders due to small cell sizes (< 5 when stratified)