Figure 1: Transferring assembled collagen fibrils onto alternative substrates.
(A) The schematic shows the side view of the steps involved in transferring collagen fibrils from mica to functionalized substrates with different stiffness (glass, PDMS, and PA (2000 and 200 Pa)) using the gelatin protocol described in the Experimental section. (B) Representative AFM and SHG images of aligned collagen fibrils transferred from mica substrates to functionalized glass substrates. ‘mica pre-transfer’ images indicate collagen fibrils on mica substrates before transferring. ‘mica post-transfer’ images show collagen fibrils on mica substrates after transferring. ‘glass pre-transfer’ indicate lack of collagen fibrils on glass substrates before transferring. ‘glass post-transfer’ show collagen fibrils on glass substrates after transferring. (C) Normalized collagen density and (D) collagen area fraction on mica substrates (pre- and post-transfer), glass substrates (pre- and post-transfer), PDMS, and PA (2000Pa and 200Pa). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Calibration bar length for AFM images is 2 μm. Calibration bar length for SHG images is 20 μm.