Figure 7: Collagen fibril alignment on mica substrates and transferred substrates (glass, PDMS, and 2000Pa and 200Pa polyacrylamide) seeded with MDA-MB-231 cells.
(A) The relative intensity of the collagen fibrils on the mica-based substrates over 24 hours, normalized to the initial intensity of the control at 0 hours. Collagen fibrils on all substrates showed rapid degradation of the collagen signal over time. (B) The collagen area fraction representing the sum of both ordered and non-ordered fractions of the collagen signal on the substrates showed significant difference over 24 hours on mica, glass and PDMS substrates. (C) The non-ordered collagen fractions of the collagen signal from the different substrates showed no significant differences (D) Collagen alignment fraction, (E) Aligned collagen signal fraction, as a product of the aligned collagen fraction and the collagen area fraction and (F) distribution spread parameter, κcollagen as a function of time on function. Cells plated on aligned collagen fibrils assembled on mica (circle), on transferred glass (closed squares), PDMS (closed diamond), and 2000Pa (open triangle) and 200Pa (closed triangle). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.