Table 1.
Plant species | Voucher specimen no. | Family | Part extracted | Traditional uses a |
Acacia pennivenia * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq28 | Mimosaceae | L | As a paste around the breast for women with mastitis |
Acridocarpus socotranus * Oliv. | Mo-Sq16 | Malpighiaceae | L,S | Headaches, paralysis and muscle or tendon pain |
Aloe perryi * Baker | Mo-Sq9 | Aloaceae | R | Eye and stomach problems, constipation and malaria |
Ballochia atrovirgata * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq15 | Acanthaceae | S, L | Unknown |
Boswellia socotrana * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq24 | Burseraceae | B | Common cold, bronchitis, asthma and rheumatism |
Commiphora ornifolia * J. B. Gillett | Mo-Sq23 | Burseraceae | B | Antiseptic, diarrhea, dysentery and emesis |
Croton socotranus * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq4 | Euphorbiaceae | L, Fr | Wounds, anthelmintic |
Dendrosicyos socotrana * Balf. f. | SP-A015 | Cucurbitaceae | L, S | Urinary retention, cystitis, diabetes and problem with liver |
Dorstenia gigas * Schweinf. ex Balf. f. | SP-M122 | Moraceae | L, S | Flatulence, indigestion and skin diseases |
Dracaena cinnabari * Balf. f. | SP-D225 | Agavaceae | Re | Swellings, inflammations, sores, rashes, itching, stomach pain, haemostatic and oral health |
Euclea divinorum Hiern | Mo-Sq1 | Ebenaceae | R | For oral care, tooth ache, fungal diseases, sores, wounds and abscesses |
Euphorbia socotrana * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq5 | Euphorbiaceae | L | For skin diseases and wounds |
Eureiandra balfourii * Cogn. & Balf. f. | Mo-Sq3 | Cucurbitaceae | L | Unknown |
Hibiscus noli-tangere * A.G.Mill. | Mo-Sq30 | Malvaceae | L, R | For snake bite and fever in children |
Hypoestes pubescens * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq12 | Acanthaceae | L | Fungal skin diseases and scabies |
Lycium sokotranum * Wagner & Vierh. | Mo-Sq20 | Solanaceae | L, S | For stomach ailments and encourage the wound healing |
Maerua angolensis DC. | Mo-Sq7 | Capparaceae | L | To treat fever, aches and general malaise |
Punica protopunica * Balf. f. | SP-D223 | Punicaceae | Fr | Anthelmintic, peptic ulcers, dysentery, diarrhea, sores and wounds |
Rhus thyrsiflora * Balf. f. | Mo-Sq18 | Anacardiaceae | Fr, L | To treat anorexia, general tonic and for painful joints |
Teucrium sokotranum * Vierh. | Mo-Sq22 | Labiatae | Fl, L | As flavoring agent and for indigestion |
* endemic plant, B: Bark, Fl: Flower, L: Leaves, R: Roots or rhizomes, Re: Resin, S: Stems, Fr: Fruits; a Most of the information of traditional use has been taken from [21] and native people.