Average Total Variable Cost Per Resident Over 28 Days for Clinically Important Subgroups, Stratified by Cost Components
Study Arm | Total Variable Costs Over a 28-d Period, $ (SD) | Gown and Glove Use, $ (%) | Time to Don and Doff, $ (%) |
Standard precautions | 100 (77) | 76 (76) | 24 (24) |
Gown and gloves for high-risk care for MRSA-colonized residentsa and SP for all residents | 137 (120) | 107 (78) | 30 (22) |
MRSA colonized (N = 113) | 257 (133) | 205 (80) | 52 (20) |
Not MRSA colonized (N = 288) | 90 (73) | 68 (76) | 22 (24) |
Gown and gloves for high-risk care for chronic skin breakdown residents and SP for all residents | 125 (109) | 97 (77) | 28 (23) |
Chronic skin breakdown (N = 73) | 271 (127) | 210(77) | 61 (23) |
No chronic skin breakdown (N = 328) | 93 (73) | 72 (77) | 21 (23) |
Gown and gloves for high-risk care and SP for all residents | 223 (127) | 179 (80) | 44 (20) |
NOTE. SD, standard deviation; SP, standard precautions; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Additional (fixed) cost of $2,212 ($5.53 per person) assuming 100% testing for MRSA.