Fig. 3.
Processing pathway of the ppCT9–17, ppCT50–59 and ppCT91–100 epitopes. a Processing of pCT9–17, ppCT50–59 and ppCT91–100 peptides is proteasome dependent. IGR-Heu or IGR-Heu-TAP cells were incubated in the absence or presence of the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin, and then the generated epitope-specific CTLs were added. Cytotoxic activity was determined by the 51Cr-release assay at the indicated E:T ratios. Values correspond to means (±SD) of percentages of lysis from triplicates. b Production of IFN-γ by patient 1’s T cell clones or cloids stimulated with autologous ppCT-expressing tumour cell lines. Anti-ppCT peptide T cells were stimulated for 36 h with IGR-Heu-TAP (anti-ppCT9–17, -ppCT50–59 and -ppCT91–100) or IGR-Heu (anti-ppCT16–25) tumour cells, untreated or pretreated with epoxomicin or DCI; then IFN-γ production was measured by ELISA. Data shown are means (±SD) of three T cell clones and T cell cloids from three independent experiments. c Involvement of SP in processing of ppCT9–17, ppCT50–59 and ppCT91–100 antigenic peptides. IGR-Heu-TAP tumour cells were incubated with SP inhibitor DCI before addition of anti-ppCT epitope CTLs. Cytotoxicity of anti-ppCT16–25 CTLs towards IGR-Heu tumour cells, untreated or pretreated with DCI, was included. d Processing of the ppCT9–17 epitope involves SPP. The lytic activity of ppCT9–17-, ppCT50–59- and ppCT91–100-specific CTLs against IGR-Heu-TAP, electroporated with siRNA targeting SPP (siRNA SPP) or siRNA control (siRNA Crtl), was examined as in a. e Processing of ppCT50–59- and ppCT91–100 epitopes is ERAD dependent. IGR-Heu and IGR-Heu-TAP tumour cells were incubated in the absence or presence of EER1, and then epitope-specific CTLs were added. Values correspond to means (±SD) of percentage of lysis from triplicates. Data shown are from two independent experiments out of three. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 (two-tailed Student’s unpaired t test). Blue: patient 1, red: patient 13 and green: patient 3. DCI dichloroisocoumarin, EER1 eeyarestatin 1, E:T effector:target