Inhibition of miRs in shear-regulation of AKT and MAPK. (A) Antagomir against miR-19a decreased the shear-induced PI3K activation, but had no effect on MAPK activation; (B) Antagomir against miR-23b, 27b decreased the shear-induced MAPK activation, but had no effect on PI3K activation. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM (n = 3) (Data were normalized to the control in Neg Cont. group). * p < 0.05 (Compared with the Static); in pAKT assay, ∆
p < 0.05 (Compared with the shear groups in Neg Cont., AM23b and AM27b groups; in pERK, pP38, pJNK assay, ∆
p < 0.05 (Compared with the shear groups in Neg Cont. and AM19a groups).