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. 2013 Jun 10;18(6):6829–6851. doi: 10.3390/molecules18066829

Table 10.

Experimental vibrational frequencies and complexation shifts, in cm−1, for the complex of CF3Br with toluene dissolved in LKr at 120 K. The ab initio complexation shifts given are derived from the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ-PP harmonic vibrational frequencies.

Assignment νmonomer νcomplex Δνexp Δνcalc
CF3Br ν1 + ν2 1831.2 −2.1
ν4 1198.1 1189.8 −8.3 −9.1
ν1 1075.2 1.0
ν2 759.4 758.0 −1.4 −3.1
ν5 546.3 −0.9
ν3 (79Br) 352.1 351.5 −0.6 −2.0
ν3 (81Br) 350.3 349.7 −0.6 −2.0
ν6 303.4 0.5
Toluene ν21 3092.9 3091.6 −1.3 1.4
ν1 3072.2 3071.8 −0.4 1.3
ν2 3061.1 1.5
ν34 2954.7 2955.0 0.3 −0.5
ν31 2923.1 2922.8 −0.3 −1.9
ν15 + ν16 1870.6 4.2
ν4 1607.8 1607.2 −0.6 −3.1
ν5 1497.4 1497.3 −0.1 −1.8
ν8 1031.6 1031.4 −0.2 −0.6
ν17 728.6 731.2 2.6 2.2
ν18 694.5 −4.1
ν19 463.8 −0.3