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. 2018 Dec 3;18(6):11. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iey076

Table 1.

The organization of the newly sequenced mitogenomes

Gene region Popillia mutans Holotrichia oblita Serica sp. Serica orientalis Holotrichia sp.
Start Stop Start Stop Start Stop Start Stop Start Stop
Partial control region - - - - 1 657 1 658 1 179
trnI 1 65 1 65 658 721 659 723 180 242
trnQ 69 137 63 131 719 787 721 789 240 309
trnM 137 205 131 200 787 855 789 857 319 387
nad2 206 1213 201 1208 856 1860 858 1862 388 1395
trnW 1229 1299 1226 1292 1864 1931 1884 1951 1409 1473
trnC 1292 1354 1285 1347 1924 1985 1944 2005 1466 1527
trnY 1355 1419 1353 1417 1985 2048 2005 2069 1527 1589
cox1 1412 2956 1383 2951 2047 3585 2068 3606 1588 3123
trnL-UUR 2952 3016 2952 3018 3581 3646 3602 3667 3130 3194
cox2 3017 3718 3019 3738 3647 4330 3668 4351 3195 3896
trnK 3705 3775 3704 3774 4332 4402 4353 4423 3883 3951
trnD 3778 3844 3774 3839 4403 4469 4424 4487 3971 4034
atp8 3845 4000 3840 3995 4469 4624 4488 4643 4035 4190
atp6 3994 4668 3989 4660 4618 5289 4637 5308 4184 4858
cox3 4668 5454 4660 5446 5289 6076 5308 6095 4858 5645
trnG 5455 5519 5447 5510 6076 6138 6095 6157 5645 5707
nad3 5520 5873 5511 5864 6139 6492 6158 6509 5708 6061
trnA 5872 5937 5863 5928 6491 6556 6510 6575 6061 6124
trnR 5937 6001 5929 5993 6556 6620 6575 6639 6124 6190
trnN 6004 6067 5993 6056 6618 6683 6637 6702 6195 6259
trnS-AGN 6068 6134 6057 6124 6684 6750 6703 6769 6260 6326
trnE 6135 6202 6125 6189 6751 6814 6770 6831 6327 6391
trnF 6201 6265 6188 6253 6813 6878 6830 6896 6390 6456
nad5 6265 7980 6254 7972 6878 8593 6896 8611 6457 8175
trnH 7981 8043 7973 8037 8594 8657 8612 8675 8176 8239
nad4 8043 9380 8037 9374 8657 9994 8675 9871 8239 8967
nad4l 9374 9664 9368 9658 9988 10278 - - - -
trnT 9667 9731 9661 9725 10281 10345 - - - -
trnP 9732 9796 9726 9790 10346 10409 - - - -
nad6 9798 10301 9783 10295 10411 10908 - - - -
cytb 10301 11443 10295 11437 10908 12050 - - - -
trnS-UCN 11442 11506 11436 11501 12049 12113 - - - -
nad1 11523 12473 11519 12469 12132 13082 - - - -
trnL-CUN 12475 12538 12471 12532 13084 13146 - - - -
rrnL 12539 13827 12510 13804 13147 13866 - - - -
trnV 13828 13897 13803 13872 - - - - - -
rrnS 13897 14695 13873 14672 - - - - - -
Complete or partial control region 14696 16192 14673 15968 - - - - - -

Dash (-) indicates no application or the missing genome region.