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. 2018 Nov 18;2018:2389268. doi: 10.1155/2018/2389268

Table 5.

Health professionals with good attitude toward telemedicine.

Characteristics Number Percent P value
Male 109 57.1 0.000
X 2 = 17.921
Female 82 42.9

20–29 106 55.5 0.000
X 2 = 29.826
30–39 48 25.1
>39 37 19.4

Educational status
Diploma 16 8.4 0.000
X 2 = 77.512
Degree 149 78.0
Masters 18 9.4
Others 8 4.2

Type of profession
Physician 11 5.8 0.000
X 2 = 60.931
Nurse 87 45.5
Health officer 9 4.7
Medical laboratory technician 25 13.1
Pharmacist 24 12.6
Midwifery 21 11.0
Others∗∗ 14 7.3

Year of experience
<5 134 70.1 0.000
X 2 = 44.959
5–10 42 22.0
>10 15 7.9

<1500 9 4.7 0.000
X 2 = 34.214
1500–3500 81 42.4
3500–5500 67 35.1
>5500 34 17.8

Certificate and PhD. ∗∗Physiotherapist, psychiatrist, anesthetists, radiologist, and optometrist.