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. 2018 May 16;2018(3):hoy008. doi: 10.1093/hropen/hoy008

Table IV.

Domains of the reasons provided in favour and against using GM.

Domain* Examples of reasons provided
In favour Condition Against
Reason Citation Reason Citation Reason Citation
Safety of the individuals concerned GM would pose limited health risks but those are acceptable considering the benefits ‘I would certainly take the risk; the alternative is way too dangerous’ (#295, E_NMD) I would only use GM if it would not pose unacceptable health risks ‘If it would be a 100% safe, I would consider it’ (#559, E_INT) GM would pose unacceptable health risks ‘You know what you have, but not what you’re going to get [from the GM], and that could be worse.’ (#31, S_NMD)
Effectiveness GM would cure the cause of the problem ‘This way you tackle the root of the problem and are not just relieving the symptoms like we’ve been doing so far’ (#402, S_NMD) I would only use GM if it would be an effective treatment ‘A condition would be it having a reasonable chance of success’ (#158, S_NMD) GM would not allow for me to become a full genetic parent since modified genes are passed on ‘The child would be partially mine, partially my wife’s and partially of science and I wouldn’t want that’ (#885, E_INT)
Quality of life of the individuals concerned GM would prevent disease’s suffering in upcoming generations ‘To improve the health of upcoming generations’ (#987, E_NMD) I would only use GM if it would improve my/my child’s quality of life ‘Only for serious diseases that cause lots of limitations’ (#169, E_NMD) GM would eliminate some of the joys of parenthood ‘It’s precious not to know what your child will be like’ (#1011, E_INT)
Existence of a clinical need or alternative GM would not be inherently different than currently accepted vaccines and medications ‘We also have vaccination programs. This is a logical next step’ (#804, E_HIV) I would only use GM if the risk of acquiring the disease is high ‘If I would live in a country where HIV is more prevalent’ (#678, E_HIV) GM would not be acceptable as there are alternatives available to obtain the same result ‘My kid should just learn to use a condom’ (#520, E_HIV)
Biodiversity and ecosystems GM would not affect biodiversity ‘It won’t overrun species of wheat with gluten’ (#914, W_GLU) I would only use GM if it would not do ecological harm ‘If it doesn’t harm nature’ (#839, W_GLU) GM would reduce human diversity which is important for the functioning of society ‘If we’ll end up with only scientists, we’ll miss the rest very badly and mankind will still go extinct’ (#113, E_INT)
Animal homo sapiens (i.e. relating to effects on humans as a species) GM would improve mankind’s chance of survival ‘Building better people and a stronger future for our species’ (#990, E_HIV) I would only use GM if there was no alternative to eradicate the disease ‘As long as there are no other cures for HIV, this is the only way to get to a disease-free world’ (#908, E_HIV) GM would have negative long-term consequences for society ‘Wasn’t there a movement that was pursuing this last century, which only brought death and destruction (1940–45)?’ (#365, E_INT)
Human life and dignity GM [of the germline] would not affect a human because the embryo does not yet have that status ‘An embryo is not a fully grown human. Before it is actually born, it may still be modified.’ (#627, E_NMD) I would only use GM if ethical issues were addressed ‘Of course, you’ll have to ask the ethical questions…’ (#367, W_GLU) GM incites the ‘yuck-factor’ (i.e. a feeling of horror, revulsion, or disgust) ‘Modifying human embryo’s gives me the chills’ (#509, E_INT)
Trust in regulation GM would not be offered unless it was established as being a good treatment ‘If it is allowed, it’s safe’ (#698, W_GLU) I would only use GM if it would be well-regulated ‘If it’s well monitored by the government’ (#905, W_GLU) GM would be subject to special interests (commercial, regimes, terrorist), which may cause exploitation of vulnerable individuals ‘It won’t be long until governments will interfere and start making rules. The chance that totalitarian regimes will misuse it is huge’ (#683, E_INT)
Justice GM would improve equality as everyone would have access to beneficial genetic traits ‘Because the sick want healthy children just like anyone else (#414, E_NMD) I would only use GM if not using it would make me fall behind ‘If the rest of the world is doing ‘it’, you have no other choice’ (#587, E_INT) GM would increase segregation ‘Being strong and smart are important conditions for a good and successful life. I wonder what happens if you can buy those things. I imagine it will cause segregation. A gab between those who can afford it, and those who can’t’ (#608, E_INT)
Costs GM would lower healthcare costs ‘Such a disease entails substantial societal costs. If this leads to a more productive life and less (medical) expenses, this is a win-win situation’ (#241, S_NMD) I would only use GM if costs of GM are not high for the individual ‘Depending on how much it would cost…’ (#934, E_HIV) GM would increase healthcare costs It would make healthcare, which is already too expensive, entirely unaffordable (#842, S_NMD)
Slippery slope GM would strictly be applied to those purposes considered acceptable ‘A list of which diseases are and are not allowed will have to be created. No matter how bad some cases may be, you don’t want to just do everything’ (#429, E_NMD) I would only use GM if it would not change societal norms and induce a slippery slope effect ‘As long as modification doesn’t become the norm’ (#438, E_NMD) GM would start a slippery slope towards morally unacceptable applications ‘If you allow this, where will it end?’ (#587, E_INT)
Argument of nature GM would merely raise the speed and efficiency of a naturally occurring process ‘Mankind will always be evolving whether we speed this up with GM or not, we’ll become smarter anyways’ (#883, E_INT) I would only use GM if the extent of the manipulation is limited ‘I also want them to have their own characteristics so I wouldn’t do too much with it [GM]’ (#776, E_INT) GM would be too unnatural ‘It’s important to, however hard it is, respect nature’s boundaries and not to bend them for your own benefit’ (#975, S_NMD)
Parental rights and duties GM is a moral obligation as I do not have the right to withhold my child from the possibilities created by germline modification ‘Allowing your child to be born with an abnormality if you could have done something should be a crime. They should put these people in prison and make them pay for the health expenses for life’ (#631, E_NMD) N/A N/A GM is unacceptable as I do not have the right to decide on modifying genes on behalf of my unborn child ‘You shouldn’t be allowed to decide that for your unborn child’ (#359, E_HIV)
(Reproductive) autonomy GM would fall under my right for autonomy and thus should not be prohibited ‘My body, my life, my decision’ (#755, S_NMD) I would only use GM if it remains a free choice to do so ‘I should never be required to do it. It will become problematic once e.g. health insurance starts demanding it and there will be social pressure’ (#755, E_NMD) GM would create choices and thereby responsibilities that people are not able to carry out ‘Once you will have these choices, you may experience guilt complexes for things you attributed to if they go wrong. That’s why you shouldn’t be asked in the first place’ (#245, E_NMD)

*See Supplementary Table SI for all reasons provided.

W_GLU: Response to the scenario ‘I would eat modified wheat if I would be gluten intolerant’.

S_NMD: Response to the scenario ‘I would cure own neuromuscular disease to prevent ending up in a wheelchair’.

E_NMD: Response to the scenario ‘I would modify my embryo to prevent passing on a severe neuromuscular disease’.

E_HIV: Response to the scenario ‘I would introduce resistance to HIV in my embryo’.

E_INT: Response to the scenario ‘I would increase the intelligence of my embryo’.