Table 1.
Most commonly used multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs).
Multifocal IOL | Material | IOL design | IOL/optic diameter (mm) | Optical principle |
Intermed/near add (D) | |
Focality/Principle | Symmetry/Structure | |||||
Restor AcrySof (Alcon) | Hydrophobic acrylic | Single piece loop haptics | 13.0/6.0 | Bifocal, Refractive-diffractive | Rotationally symmetric, Apodized | 0/4 |
PanOptix AcrySof (Alcon) | Hydrophobic acrylic | Single piece loop haptics | 13.0/6.0 | Trifocal, Refractive | Rotationally symmetric, Constant | 2.17/3.25 |
At Lisaa (Carl Zeiss Meditec) |
Hydrophilic acrylic with hydrophobic surface | Single piece plate haptics | 11.0/6.0 | Bifocal/Trifocal Diffractive | Rotationally symmetric, Constant/Zonal | 1.67/3.75–3.3 |
Mplus Lentis (Oculentis) | Hydrophilic acrylic | Single piece plate haptics | 11.0/6.0 | Bifocal Refractive | Rotationally asymmetric. Segmental | 0/2 |
Comfort Lentis (Oculentis) | Hydrophilic acrylic | Single piece plate haptics | 11.0/6.0 | EDOF Refractive | Rotationally asymmetric. Segmental | 1.5/0 |
SBL 2 and 3 (Lenstec INC) | Hydrophilic acrylic | Single piece plate haptics | 11.0/5.75 | Bifocal Refractive | Rotationally asymmetric. Segmental | 0/2-3 |
Mini Well (Sifi Meditec) |
Hydrophilic acrylic | Single piece fenestrated haptics | 10.75/6.0 | EDOF, refractive | Rotationally symmetric. Progressive | 0/3 |
Diffractiva (Human Optics) | Hydrophilic acrylic | Single piece loop haptics | 12.5/6.0 | Bifocal, Refractive-diffractive | Rotationally symmetric, Apodized | 0/3.5 |
Symfony Tecnis (AMO) | Hydrophobic acrylic | Single piece loop haptics | 13.0/6.0 | EDOF, Diffractive | Rotationally symmetric. Achromate | 1.78/0 |
ReZoom Abbot Medical Optics | Hydrophilic acrylic | Three piece modified C loop haptics | 13.0/6.0 | Refractive | Zonal-progressive | 0/3.5 |
Tecnisb (Johnson & Johnson) | Hydrophobic acrylic | Single piece C loop haptics | 13.0/6.0 | Diffractive | Rotationally symmetric, Constant | +2.75 + 3.25 +4.0 |
FineVision (PhysIOL) | Hydrophilic acrylic | Double loop haptics | 10.75/6.15 | Trifocal diffractive | Rotationally symmetric, Constant | +1.75/+3.5 |
Add: Addition, D: Diopter, EDOF: Extended depth of focus, Intermed: Intermediate, IOL: Intraocular lens.
There are two types – bifocal and trifocal.
There are three types with near addition +2.75; +3.25 and + 4.0 D.