Genetic interaction between Grhl2 and Grhl3 overexpressing alleles results in severe SB. (A–C) Among experimental litters generated by intercross of Grhl2Axd/+ and Grhl3+/+:TgGrhl3/0 mice, all compound heterozygous fetuses exhibited severe SB. Note the very large size of the SB lesion that extends as far rostrally as the forelimb bud at E13.5 (C) (*P < 0.001; significant difference among genotypes, Chi-square). (D) Analysis of PNP length among embryos at E9–10.5 shows that compound heterozygous, Grhl2Axd/+;Grhl3+/+:TgGrhl3/0 embryos have significantly enlarged PNPs from E9.5 (15–19 somite stage) onwards (*, significant difference from all other genotypes, P < 0.001). At E10.5 (28–31 somites) the PNP length of Grhl2Axd/+;Grhl3+/+;TgGrhl3/0 embryos is also greater than in wild type (#, P < 0.01). (E) In the caudal region of E9.5 embryos, mRNA abundance of Grhl2 and Grhl3 corresponds with the presence of the Grhl2Axd and Grhl3TgGrhl3 alleles, with no indication of reciprocal regulation (*, differences from wild-type expression level, P < 0.01).