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. 2018 Dec 3;13(12):e0207646. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207646

Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of hospitalization.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI)
Predisposing factors
Age group (years)
60–64 ref ref ref
65–69 0.134 1.406 (0.9–2.196) 0.123 1.423 (0.909–2.226) 0.302 1.274 (0.804–2.019)
70–74 0.002* 1.964 (1.286–2.998) 0.001* 2.012 (1.315–3.079) 0.022* 1.676 (1.076–2.611)
75–79 0.000* 2.233 (1.498–3.33) 0.000* 2.22 (1.487–3.316) 0.002 * 1.954 (1.29–2.958)
≥80 0.000* 2.308 (1.529–3.484) 0.000* 2.218 (1.464–3.362) 0.003* 1.925 (1.253–2.957)
Enabling factors
Source of income
pension ref ref ref
work or savings 0.030* 0.511 (0.279–0.938) 0.026* 0.501 (0.272–0.922) 0.041* 0.521 (0.279–0.974)
family 0.473 0.763 (0.365–1.597) 0.479 0.766 (0.365–1.604) 0.445 0.732 (0.329–1.629)
others 0.026* 0.382 (0.164–0.892) 0.028* 0.387 (0.166–0.902) 0.191 0.566 (0.241–1.329)
city center ref ref ref
inner suburbs 0.086 1.316 (0.962–1.802) 0.001* 2.774 (1.515–5.08) 0.000* 3.527 (1.852–6.719)
outer suburbs 0.000* 2.582 (1.751–3.808) 0.000* 5.665 (2.95–10.877) 0.000* 6.024 (3.013–12.045)
Need factors
Self-reported health status
good ref ref ref
normal 0.000* 1.76 (1.282–2.416) 0.001* 1.752 (1.273–2.412) 0.006* 1.583 (1.138–2.202)
poor 0.000* 3.377 (2.234–5.104) 0.000* 3.211 (2.116–4.873) 0.000* 2.456 (1.578–3.822)
Feeling lonely
never ref ref ref
sometimes 0.071 1.389 (0.973–1.982) 0.111 1.339 (0.935–1.918) 0.336 1.201 (0.827–1.746)
always 0.162 0.585 (0.276–1.241) 0.121 0.55 (0.258–1.171) 0.133 0.549 (0.251–1.2)
(no vs. yes)
0.005* 2.954 (1.388–6.29) 0.006* 2.94 (1.364–6.34) 0.071 2.143 (0.937–4.901)
Physical health change
better ref ref ref
unchanged 0.000 * 0.21 (0.128–0.344) 0.000* 0.213 (0.129–0.349) 0.000* 0.22 (0.133–0.365)
worse 0.002* 0.457 (0.275–0.758) 0.002* 0.451 (0.27–0.752) 0.001* 0.423 (0.251–0.712)
unstable 0.143 0.479 (0.179–1.284) 0.165 0.493 (0.181–1.338) 0.117 0.441 (0.158–1.227)
Disease status
(yes vs. no)
0.692 0.926 (0.633–1.355)
Heart diseases
(yes vs. no)
0.008* 1.535 (1.12–2.104)
Cerebrovascular disease
(yes vs. no)
0.000* 4.572 (3.029–6.901)
(yes vs. no)
0.009* 1.886 (1.173–3.031)
Contextual Factors
Regional economic level
good ref ref
poor 0.003* 2.539 (1.374–4.694) 0.000* 3.429 (1.782–6.596)
Outdoor activities
(no vs. yes)
0.065 1.306 (0.983–1.736) 0.107 1.273 (0.949–1.708)
Chi-squared 207.205 219.544 287.463
df 17 19 23
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
-2Log Likelihood 1421.322 1408.983 1341.064

*p < 0.05;

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval