Figure 7.
The Intercellular Association between TCR and MHC Class II Molecules Regulates ERK Activity Dynamics in CD4-SP Thymocytes
(A) The experimental design for analyzing the effects of TCR-MHC II interactions on ERK activity dynamics and cell motility. The sorted subsets of thymocytes from Lck-EKAREV-NLS mice were overlaid onto sliced thymic lobes obtained from MHC-II KO mice (KO).
(B and C) The average speed (B) and the averaged ERK activity (C) of the indicated subsets of thymocytes overlaid onto WT or KO sliced thymic lobes. All data are presented as mean ± SD. p values were calculated by Student's two-sample t test.
(D) The standard deviation of ERK activity (σERK) of CD4-SP cells overlaid onto WT or KO sliced thymic lobes. Each dot indicates an individual cell track. Data represent the analysis of samples from two individual mice: n = 60 tracks (CD4-SP on WT slices); n = 36 tracks (CD4-SP on KO slices); n = 24 tracks (CD8-SP on WT slices); n = 26 tracks (CD8-SP on KO slices). See also Table S1. All data are presented as mean ± SD. p value was calculated by Student's two-sample t test.
(E) The relationship between ZERK and ZSPEED in CD4-SP cells overlaid onto KO sliced thymic lobes. The relationship between pairs of variables was analyzed using the Pearson correlation analysis.