Fear Memory in CFC. Pre-CFC activity, measured by distance traveled in females (A) and males (B). Distance traveled prior to the conditioning stimulus did not differ significantly between strains or acute stress (ARS) and no-stress (NRS) conditions except for WMI females, which showed increased activity after acute restraint stress. Distance traveled on the second day of the contextual fear conditioning did not differ between NRS WLI and WMI females (C) or NRS males (D). However, WLI females and WMI males showed significantly decreased distance traveled after ARS. Showing the inverse relationship, WLI females and WMI males showed significantly increased freeze duration after ARS, with no differences in fear duration between the strains in the NRS condition (E,F). Values are shown as mean ± SEM; ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, post-hoc following ANOVA. WLI NRS male n = 26; NRS female n = 23; AS male n = 17, AS female n = 13; WMI NRS male n = 15, NRS female n = 18, AS male n = 15, AS female n = 10.