Immunohistochemistry staining for CDK5 and PP2A expression in gastric cancerous tissue and the criteria for immunohistochemistry scoring. (A) Intensity scores for CDK5 expression in gastric cancer tissue. (a1): no staining (score 0), (a2): weak staining (score 1), (a3): moderate staining (score 2) and (a4) strong staining (score 3). (B) Distribution score and intensity score for PP2A expression in gastric cancer tissue. (b1): no staining (score 0), (b2): weak staining (score 1), (b3): moderate staining (score 2) and (b4) strong staining (score 3). (b5): ≤ 5% positive cells (score 0), (b6): 6% to 25% positive cells (score 1), (b7): 26% to 50% positive cells (score 2), (b8): ≥ 51% positive cells (score 3).