Nec-1 represses activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway in chondrocytes induced by IL-1β. In order to reduce the levels of phosphorylated MAPK and NF-KB, the chondrocytes were serum-starved for 8 h. Since phosphorylated MAPK and NF-KB levels reach a maximum within 30 min and degrade within 1 h, the chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β for 15 min. (A,B) Nec-1 did not repress the MAPK signaling pathway. Chondrocytes were starved with DMEM in the absence of FBS for 8 h, and then pre-treated with or without Nec-1 (30 μmol/L) for 1 h. Subsequently, the chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β (5 ng/mL) for 15 min. (C,D) Nec-1 represses the NF-κB signaling pathway. The experiments were repeated three times independently. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗∗∗P < 0.0006, and ∗∗∗∗P < 0.0001.