Table 2.
No | Issue | Recommendation |
1 | Some genetics professionals are inadequately equipped to advise client | Genetics services work with the HGSANHMRC, and the Centre for Genetics Education to develop training modules, resources and national guidelines regarding insurance issues, and maintain a regularly-updated resource page for access by genetics professionals. |
2 | Variability of professional practice | |
3 | Lack of consistency in consent forms | Genetics services work with the HGSA, state and territory Health Departments (with reference to the work already undertaken in NSW), the NHMRC and other interested bodies, such as the Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA), to build on existing national precedents and develop national consent forms regarding genetic testing that include information about the insurance implications of genetic testing. |
4 | Regulation inadequate to protect clients from genetic discrimination | The Australian federal government must consider reforms regulating the use of genetic test results by insurers. |