CAR1 is pre-bound at the Cyp2b10 promoter in
untreated hepatocytes. (A) Depiction of the location of PCR
amplicons in and upstream of the Cyp2b10 gene that
were chosen for use in ChIP analysis of chromatin occupancy by
FLAG-tagged CAR1. The track displays publically-available, DNase I
hypersensitivity data for C57BL/6 liver (ENCODE ENCSR000CNI,
replicate 1) and highlights that the chosen amplicons fall within
DNase I-sensitive regions of chromatin. (B) Enrichment of
Cyp2b10 proximal and distal amplicons, and
negative control amplicons (Cyp2b10 intragenic
region, Hoxa9, Gapdh) in
anti-FLAG-immunoprecipitates from untreated mice reconstituted with
CAR1 (Group A), PB-treated mice reconstituted with CAR1 (positive
control samples – Group B), or untreated mice reconstituted
with empty virus (negative control samples – Group E).
Enrichment data are presented for individual mice and are normalized
to the Gapdh signal. The horizontal dashed-line
represents the limit of detection for enrichment.